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Christmas Light


CATEGORY Timelapse
THEMATIC CATEGORY Travel; Destination
COUNTRY United Kingdom
DURATION 00:02:51
PRODUCER Mattia Bicchi
DIRECTOR Mattia Bicchi
SYNOPSIS After four years from my last Xmas TimeLapse of London, I thought that it would be great to make another Short TimeLapse & Hyperlapse Film about the amazing atmosphere and decorations that make London such a great city to visit during Christmas time. Putting the whole video together took me roughly a month while I shot the beautiful and well-known Christmas lights at Oxford and Regent Street, Trafalgar Square and the astonishing Covent Garden. During this time I also had the opportunity to film the light up of the 18,000 lights at the Churchill Arms Pub in Kensington and the last SuperMoon of the year.

Partner Festivals






Finisterra Arrábida Film Art & Tourism Festival
Rua das Roseiras Lote nº 2
2970-333 Sesimbra

T: 00 351 938 857 701

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