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"Città d'arte della Pianura Padana"

Exhibition 2018

Over ten years ago, in 2007, the association Giuseppe Acerbi of Castel Goffredo, Mantova, was pleased to dedicate its eponymous Literary Prize to Portugal’s culture.
The recipients of the Acerbi Prize 2007 were extraordinary authors, such as the winner of the narrative prize Mário de Carvalho together with Ana Luísa Amaral, who was awarded the Special Prize for poetry, Lídia Jorge, winner of the Special Prize for women’s fiction and Eduardo Lourenço, who was awarded the Special Prize for essay writing.

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Simple Image Gallery Extended


The expansion of the exhibit “Città d'Arte della Pianura Padana” was possible thanks to the collaboration of the Acerbi Association which proposed it within the network of the Italian Cultural Institutes around the world that, in the course of the years, played a prominent role in the Acerbi Prize.

The network “Città d’Arte della Pianura Padana” is an association formed by 12 municipalities – Alessandria, Bologna, Brescia, Cremona, Lodi, Mantua, Modena, Parma, Pavia, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Verona – belonging to four different Italian regions: Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Piedmont and Veneto. The main goal of the exhibit is to support the growth of the tourist flows in the 12 art heritage cities in the Po valley area; they form a network of art heritage cities, interesting for their numerous artistic and architectural resources as well as for their museums, with many similarities due to historical and geographical reasons.

Leaving aside its art heritage, the Po valley area is characterized by an excellent agricultural, dairy and wine production. The food tradition of this area, though presenting a common background, features varieties that surprise visitors for the wide range of the different local culinary arts. Some products, such as the Parmesan (Parmigiano Reggiano) or the traditional balsamic vinegar from Modena, are enough to identify the area: for tourists not only interested in tasting food and drinks but also keen on learning about the “food culture”, there are many suggestions of food and wine itineraries which include production sites. There are several possible itineraries that can include a stop in a city and excursions in others. In addition to this, the cities offer a rich program of cultural events featuring activities during the whole year, such as exhibits, culinary events, concerts, local folklore etc.

The pictures of the exhibit curated by Luigi Baldani, at the time Councilman responsible for culture in the Municipality of Cremona, were taken by the Photography team Leica, a group of refined artists sharing a taste for the image also intended as an interpretation of the living reality.

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Finisterra Arrábida Film Art & Tourism Festival
Rua das Roseiras Lote nº 2
2970-333 Sesimbra

T: 00 351 938 857 701

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