Ivo Nörenberg and Oliver Goetzl swept away the competition by winning seven awards: Best Cinematography, Best Soundtrack, Best Script/Argument, Best Film, Best Director/Direction, Best Music, and 1st prize in the Nature and Wildlife. You can check every winner here.
Still with the thrill of the success of the last edition, we are already working on the 2019 edition and it is with great pleasure that we inform that Geoff Tompkinson is our newest member of Jury for the 8th Edition.
Over ten years ago, in 2007, the association Giuseppe Acerbi of Castel Goffredo, Mantova, was pleased to dedicate its eponymous Literary Prize to Portugal’s culture.
The recipients of the Acerbi Prize 2007 were extraordinary authors, such as the winner of the narrative prize Mário de Carvalho together with Ana Luísa Amaral, who was awarded the Special Prize for poetry, Lídia Jorge, winner of the Special Prize for women’s fiction and Eduardo Lourenço, who was awarded the Special Prize for essay writing.
Finisterra Arrábida Film Art & Tourism Festival
Rua das Roseiras Lote nº 2
2970-333 Sesimbra
T: 00 351 938 857 701
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